by Rae Richen
Rock art is hard work, but has staying power.
Advertise your shop with art you can walk on? Are you thinking sidewalk chalk art? Thinking paint your intersection of the street? Great ideas, but they have a drawback. You have to renew them every week or every year.
I'm thinking a little more permanence to your art underfoot. I'm thinking rock art.
Look under your feet for an art that is whimsical, yet good advertising. Rock art is hard work, but has staying power.
The photos here are from the town of Freiburg, Germany. We are in the older part of town near the cathedral, where shop spaces are small and close together in buildings from previous centuries. The streets have been closed to auto traffic. The sidewalks are partly brick. The old curbs are concrete or sometimes a conglomerate rock. Next to these materials are patterns made of rock from the River Dreisam and other nearby rivers.
The oblong ovals of rock are from three to four inches long and mostly about two to two and a half inches wide.
As you can see, the sidewalk rock is many-colored: rose, pink, tan, light and dark gray.
The creation of the patterns here means that somewhere along the rock-collecting work path, the sizes and the colors have been sorted. That stripe of pink between two bands of gray represent an eye and a purpose.
The designs represent many knee and back hours with a cartoon and artistic intention. some of the patterns you'll see below represent a clever use of ancient pattern, others represent the type of shop they advertise.
When you are in any new city, notice the art in many places -- even underfoot. Chances are, even your home town has some forms of art you have forgotten to enjoy.